Fiction Writer

Young Adult, short stories
and biography

A near-futuristic dystopian tale in which a dictator uses terrible methods to control the population. 

What happens when too much power is placed in the hands of a few corrupt individuals? 

Covona has come under the control of a dictator. She promises to make Covona strong and pure. Quietus becomes law.

What separates democracy from dictatorship? The insidiousness of evil encroaches all too easily when guards are dropped.

This book captures the history of human atrocities and boils it down to bite-sized and relatable bits.

– J.J. Reichenbach, author of book series Nix and Notorious Nix

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A taste of Canadian history from the perspective of one individual, and the story of a generation of people who endured much to make Alberta what it is today.

The stories recount Margaret’s poverty stricken childhood during the Great Depression, her struggles in a convent barding school, and as a teacher in one-room schools. 

When it was found that two of her ten children were afflicted with severe autism, her job became more difficult.

Though the physical and emotional pain took their toll, Margaret’s determination in the face of so much adversity is inspiring.

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Reader Testimonials

This book shows the destructive nature and power of dictatorships. As the dictator takes away the freedoms of the people of Covona, some fight back while others just give up. It's good lesson, to be on guard against propaganda and wannabe dictators, which is especially poignant in today's world where unqualified idiots are ruling our nations. The book also makes a good point about euthanasia and the possibility of it spiraling out of control.
Emily Wong
With the pacing of John Grisham novel, Quietus rapidly descends into a not so inconceivable dystopia. The author creates a graphic scene in which a poorly conceived and false idea is brought to its full fruition. The protagonist's struggle feels quite real which, combined with his moral descent, adds to the element of suspense, horror and shudder-worthy interest for the reader. For the reader who may not normally enjoy horror as a genre, this novel may stand out as the exception. Not all horror just for the sake of horror, Quietus allows the reader to experience elements of beauty and hope for the freedom humanity truly desires. I enjoyed my time journeying with the protagonist, Dr Piter Dram, as well as my favourite character, Tresha, and look forward to a motion picture based on this novel? Compelling!
Kat Mary
I found the book Cradling the Past very informative about life on the prairies during the Depression and beyond. It is filled with heart warming stories and sad, overwhelming accounts of struggles of a very large family coping with autism and the inevitable depression that often accompanies it. The author speaks with such candor about growing up amid chaos yet with so much love and respect for her devoted parents.
Patti Anderson

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